Designing Websites That Convert: A Journey of Creativity and Conversions

Your goal is their hearts and minds (and wallets.) 


You want them to take one look at all your cool stuff and say, “Yum yum gimme some!” You want to turn looking into buying in short order with your brilliantly kickass web designs. You want conversions.


So, let’s face facts….


Your product may be great. Your service might even be a god-level brilliant gift for all of humanity. You’ve discovered time travel and ancient aliens! 


But, if your website stinks, then nobody’s ever gonna know about it, let alone input information or purchase your services. 


So, aside from the no-brainer: hiring your favorite online design firm in Dubai to take on the task of building your amazing website and getting you those conversions you’re lusting after, here are some ways you can start down that path yourself….


  • Begin your journey as any painter does: in front of a blank canvas. What is your color palette? Do they coordinate? What is your font of choice? Is it fashionable and legible? Scour the internet for your favorite designs and colors and fonts. Learn the art of harmonizing these elements to create a symphony that resonates with your audience. Web design is an art of commerce, and there’s always a sweet spot.


You’ve just gotta find it (or get us to do it for you.) 


  • You already know what UX is, even if you don’t think you do. A great online user experience is intuitive and fun. It’s what makes a good website great, and you can always intuitively tell when one works and one doesn’t.  But a great website requires mapping, plotting and scheming. It requires the ability to seemingly effortlessly guide the eye, hand and heart to a desired location. Great UX design isn’t just visual, it’s emotional and logical too.


Trust us. We do this for a living.


  • Next, you’re gonna want a great call to action (or CTA) to get those fingers clicking and conversions converting! It can be as simple as Domino’s Pizza’s “Delivery or carryout” or as flowery and profound as Slack’s “Now is your moment to build a better tomorrow,” but its intent should always be the same: to inspire movement in the reader. Craft CTAs that compel, entice, and lead visitors to take that coveted leap into the realm of conversion. You’ll be glad you did. 


  • Next, you’re gonna want a short, sweet headline. The best ones are deceptively simple, so furious editing and workshopping is a must here, because the goal of your headline is to sit atop your site and define you in a few great words. Your headline is the hook that keeps them scrolling, so overthink it, but don’t make it look like you were overthinking it. 




  • If your website looks great on a laptop, it needs to look equally great on an iphone. Cross-platform peak performance is essential, especially nowadays when so much business is conducted on tiny little screens on the way to or from something, or in that spare moment between those somethings. Many consumer-level site builders (like Wix and give you the option of seeing your build on mobile. Take advantage of that!


  • Make it fast! The chance of a potential client or conversion decreases by 32% if your website loading time gots from one to three seconds. Google said that! They know! Visitors to your site, like most people, have a rapidly shortening attention span. And, just like life itself, they’re here for a good time, not a long time. So make sure your server is speedy and your site is performance optimized.


Not sure how to do that? La Mesa knows!


  • People tend to trust other people, for better or worse, so collecting and posting some glowing reviews from past customers can go a long way toward future conversions. Show off a bit! You know you do good work, but your potential customers may not… yet. 


  • Last but not least, be open to change! Once your website is set up, successful and creating conversions, the job doesn’t just stop. Great web design requires constant attention and upkeep. Trends shift. Markets change. Client bases fluctuate. So staying on top of these shifts is as important as creating your website was when you started. A great website, like a painting, is never truly finished. But, in your case, going back to the museum to tinker with it is a good idea.


Remember that designing a website with the power to create conversions is an ongoing process. An adventure, if you will. Getting the conversions you crave requires time, patience, research and a bit of trial and error… or a partnership with the best design firm in Dubai.


Building A Strong Brand Identity Online: Strategies For Success

It’s a jungle out there! By “out there” we mean online, and by “jungle” we mean a messy, cluttered, ever-expanding  universe where everybody wants to stand out and nobody knows what they’re doing!


Well, we know what we’re doing! As a marketing and design firm based in Dubai, La Mesa’s #1 goal is to make your brand shine and stand out and be seen by as many people as possible. 


A strong online brand identity can make or break a company. With it, you can target customer groups directly, reach a wider audience in a shorter amount of time, and improve your customer experience so that clients are more likely to remain engaged and loyal. 


Crafting a compelling brand identity online is about creating a cohesive and memorable experience for your audience. But it’s also not easy, and it’s not the same for every brand. 


So let’s use this blog to delve into effective strategies to help you build a robust brand identity online that resonates with your target audience.

  • The Logo (again)

We’re always talking about logos for a reason: They’re your most defining, recognizable brand characteristic, and the thing that will stick in customers’ minds, until they experience your stellar service. Creating a great logo (one that simply and clearly communicates your mission, defines your brand, and has the visual appeal to attract the eye), will go a long way toward helping your brand stand out. 

  • The Website

A great website is one that is visually appealing, easy to navigate and able to help your brand conduct online business. Customers should be able to easily navigate to your contact information, and all pertinent information about your company without having to jump through hoops. When in doubt, the simpler the better. An uncluttered, well-appointed website will help your brand stand out online. Design and functionality are the building blogs for a great website UX.

  • The Message

Your brand’s message should be consistent across platforms. Your story should be compelling and attract interest. You might not think you have much of a story but, rest assured, you do. Celebrate milestones, your early successes, and even the struggles required to get to where you are now. It’s all part of your message, and your reason for existing. Do you have a social awareness or environmental mission? Flaunt it!

  • The Guidelines

There are presentation guidelines for every brand, and yours should be no different. Do you have certain ways your logo should be displayed? A suggested color scheme? Font? Image requirements? These are all part of your brand guidelines, and are what help you remain consistent across platforms. Consistency is key.

  • The Authentic Social Media Experience

When it comes to a majority of social media, a humanizing element attracts more attention. That’s why even big brands approach apps like Instagram with a sense of fun and humor. Tweets may be written by committee, but they don’t have to sound that way. Engage with your audience authentically, responding to comments and messages promptly. Use social media to showcase your brand’s personality, share valuable content, and interact directly with your followers.

  • The SEO

While a great deal of online brand identity hinges on the creative approach, SEO (search engine optimization) is all technical. Having great content is one thing, but ensuring that great content can be found on Google is something else. Something that requires the right embedded keywords. Finding these keywords can be tricky. A little AI support is a starting point, but you’ll get your best results by consulting with an online marketing firm. 

  • The Content

You create value online through quality content. People will want to search for you if you’re providing material (blogs, posts, shares) that strengthen your brand and knowledge for your target market. In doing so, you’ll become a trusted source of information for your customers – one they’ll want to revisit regularly.


However you and your magical design firm of choice choose to approach your online branding approach, there’s no doubt that you must have one. 


Building a strong brand identity online requires a combination of strategic planning, creative execution, and consistent engagement. By defining your brand’s values, crafting a distinctive visual identity, and authentically engaging with your audience, you can create a compelling online presence that resonates with your target customers and sets you apart in the digital realm. 


The future of commerce is already here, and it’s in the clicks.

2023 Design Trends: What’s Hot in Branding and Marketing

With August well on its way, and 2023 quickly passing, we thought it’d be a great time to take a look at what’s trending in the world of design, what we like, and what you should know.


As with any trend, you’re presented with two choices: jump on for the ride or keep doing what you’re doing. Jumping on a trend can be a tricky proposition for an established company, but it can also be a great way for up-and-comers to gain some real traction in their field. Whoever you are, deciding if you should ride a trend is a potentially complicated subject, and one we address here.


But we’re not here today to talk about if you should, we’re interested in what it’s all about. 


So, with further ado, here are 9 design trends to watch as 2023 rounds the bases….

  • Distorted Fonts

How do you spice up the regular and expected? Why, with distortion of course! 2023 has seen a rise in font bending, squashing and stretching that adds an element of chaos to otherwise staid and boring arrangements of letters. Distortion is a fun way for designers to glitch up their text without actually having to glitch. You can bring elements of fun and the unexpected to your branding with just a bit of distortion. Just make sure it still appears intentional. 

  • Overstimulated Branding

Inspire the senses with color, flash, and general craziness you wouldn’t normally think to use. Basically, this is the kitchen sink of branding: using every option in your arsenal to get the attention of your viewers. If you want your brand to appear young and energetic, overstimulated branding is your ticket. This kind of branding, when used right, is an absolute feast for the eyes. Used incorrectly, and you’ve got a garish, ugly mess on your hands. Think it through!

  • Minimalism

Doing a lot with a little requires savvy editing and bold choices. Paring your branding down to its simplest elements shows an understanding of your message and mission. Using one or two colors and a large, singular font will communicate your brand’s purpose of doing more with less. This approach is especially effective for brands who stress the importance of living a simple lifestyle. 

  • Return of the Serif

Two hundred plus years and running, serif fonts are making a big comeback in 2023, and adding a touch of timeless class along the way. Modernism can’t be en vogue forever when the classy serif is ready to whisper away from the ends of your letters. And this year has seen a big return.

  • Sarcasm and Humor

Unsurprisingly, brands not taking themselves too seriously has been big in 2023. After seemingly endless years of pandemic madness, as well as intense predictions of an impending global economic collapse, people aren’t taking themselves too seriously. It’s either that or pull your hair out. As a reaction, brands are using humor to break the ice and remain relatable during these times of hardship. When it comes to creating unforgettable experiences, laughter is always the best medicine. 

  • Mascots

Believe it or not, 2023 is the year of the return of the mascot. Giving your brand a persona through a created character is a fantastic way to give your company more personality and add a layer or relatable warmth. Sure, a mascot isn’t right for all brands, but those that can might do well to look into the possibilities. 

  • Grunge

The 90’s are back and, with them, one of the most iconic facets of the era. The brutal immediacy of grunge is great for a messy, powerful presentation. Plus, grunge incorporates facets of punk and counterculture that can give your brand an edgy sense of risk and danger. Use of hand-drawn images and rough-hewn textures have returned with a vengeance in 2023, and it smells like teen spirit to us!

  • Mission First

Putting your social or environmental goals front and center is huge this year, with companies incorporating mission statements directly into their main branding and marketing campaigns. Brands are realizing that simply saying you want to make an impact and actually making an impact can hinge on how clear your message is. So, if you’ve got something important to say, the time is right for mission-first branding.

  • AI Design

You knew this was coming and, love it or hate it, it’s unavoidable. Artificial Intelligence is the thought on everyone’s mind this year. With AI design tools, designers have been able to create branding they could only imagine in years past, and AI assistance is improving exponentially, even as you read this! Questions about its legality and originality persist, but AI isn’t going anywhere, so you should make sure you know what it’s all about. If you have any questions, your favorite online branding agency in Dubai is just a click away. 


Design and marketing trends are always changing and evolving. Sometimes classic eras make dramatic returns, and sometimes the future comes rushing in to change everything. No matter what’s trending, it’s important to stay on top of it. A partnership with a leading design firm is the best way to accomplish that. Creating the perfect design and branding for your company, while incorporating current and up-and-coming trends, is literally our job. It’s what we do best, so you can show the world your best!


The Rise of Abstraction in Logo Design: Impactful Creativity Unleashed

How would you feel about your logo design skipping over logic and going straight for memorable?


Abstract art is a far more recent development in creativity than classical styles, especially in the west. Unlike traditional approaches to visual art which are strongly rooted in their connection to tangible things like rules of perspective and form, abstract art chooses to escape convention of imagery and pretty much do whatever the hell it wants. Abstract art actively pushes back on age-old formal conventions and attempts to inspire the emotional core of your mind. 


Take the massive, glorious works of Mark Rothko as your case-in-point. Their sole purpose is to elicit an emotional response from the viewer and, if you’ve ever seen one in person, you know just how successful they are in making you feel something. 


If you’re in the right mood, this total separation from assumption is the fun of it all.


What’s more, the abstract approach is trending in logo design, and it’s something you should look into! 


Companies are allowing their logos to drift into the unpredictable and embrace the unconventional, and the results are speaking for themselves. 


Abstract design can convey a uniqueness and class that simply can’t be conveyed utilizing traditional iconography and typography. Case in point: Gucci. One of the most well-known brands in the world for elegance and sophistication, their abstract design is at once recognizable as theirs, and visually appealing enough to hold your attention long enough to make an impression. 


Abstract logos intentionally lack a specific, recognizable shape or image, and this creative choice to create a visual that feels new and exciting is the whole point. Your abstract logo is wholly and completely you!

If you’re in tech, you probably see this logo and mumble, “oh shit, what now?” And that instant recognizability is the beauty of Slack’s simple logo evolution. They intentionally simplified their original logo, while retaining its unique personality and sense of shared experience and work. 


And, if we could just toot our own horn for a moment….


The World Class Scholars logo (one of ours) is an expression of the togetherness that great education should inspire. It speaks to the shared experience of quality global learning, and it’s pretty to boot!


Abstract logo design requires a large amount of artistry and ingenuity, as well as a keen eye for message and an understanding of a company’s mission. 


To create a truly unique, eye-catching abstract logo design, it’s important to adhere to these rules….

  • Understand The Brand And Research Research Research

Before approaching the design phase, you’ve gotta know what the brand is all about, and where they want to go. Knowing the core essence of a brand will give you the information required to create a unique visual identity for it. Studying trends and popular color schemes will also help you craft a logo that sticks the landing.

  • Simplify

Abstract logos rely heavily on simplicity to convey a powerful message. Finding the right simplification for your logo requires extensive sketching and experimentation. You’ll know when you get close, and feedback will get you there. 

  • Think Versatile

The best abstract logos work with any background color or shade. A great logo isn’t limited to rigid sets of rules when it comes to presentation, and is able to work in just about any iteration. Test your logo design out in various applications to see its readability across platforms. 

  • Don’t Overcomplicate 

When designing an abstract logo, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of trying to cram as much information into a small space as possible, which lends itself to design work that can feel cluttered or, worse, ugly. Avoiding clutter that might dilute the message is key here.

  • Is Your Logo Yours?

They say there’s nothing new under the sun, and the same can be said regarding logos. Intellectual property is a stick business and one you’d better do your homework on. The last thing your brand new logo needs is a brand new lawsuit because you didn’t notice how similar it is to an already existing brand design. 


There’s never been a better time to get in on abstract logo design. It’s trendy, creative and can yield results that are uniquely you. If you’re a designer, this is a craft to hone. It’s more artistic than many of the other facets of your job, and more rewarding as well. If you’re a company looking to create a singularly unique logo, then maybe it’s time to reach out to your favorite branding agency in Dubai and start pushing the limits of your potential.




Designing Success: Embracing Multigenerational Talents in Your Design Firm

Don’t be ageist! Here’s why….


Generational variety in your design firm staff can give you an edge.


In today’s diverse workforce, why not harness the power of age variety? Your employees may range in age from baby boomers to millennials to Gen Z, and you’re all the better for it. Taking advantage of a range of age, experience and perspective among your staff can enhance creativity, problem-solving and improve productivity.


So let’s take a look at how your design firm can benefit from generational diversity….

  • Collaborate and Communicate

How we interact with each other and communicate can vary greatly from generation to generation. Where Gen X might prefer face-to-face interaction, millennials and Gen Z tend to lean into digital platforms to communicate. But each generation brings unique abilities and understandings to the table, and finding middle ground to foster collaboration can lead to unique, innovative design solutions. Getting your crew together, communicating and collaborating can yield a powerful variety of perspectives. 

  • Knowledge and Mentorship

Sharing knowledge and experiences is a great way to nurture growth in younger talents. When you pair your younger, less experienced designers with more seasoned ones, you can create a symbiotic relationship that pushes older designers toward innovation and younger ones toward a clearer understanding of best practices and solutions when it comes to new jobs and challenges.

  • Adaptability

Each season brings new design evolutions and trends, and each generation approaches these changes in different ways. Diverse, multi-generational perspectives can yield a more balanced approach to changes, where your older employees are more familiar with adaptation and the younger ones are more prepared to position themselves as trendsetters in the field. 

  • Diverse Audience Tailoring

A staff that varies in ages will have a better ability to cater your work directly to clients. By employing people from different generational backgrounds, you’ll be able to create more inclusive, user-centric solutions that have the power to appeal to people of all ages and backgrounds. Your diversity is your strength. 

  • Happier Employees

An inclusive, accommodating workplace is more innately inviting, and can lead to higher employee engagement and improved retention rates. When employees see that their varying backgrounds and perspectives are valued they, in turn, feel more motivated to contribute their own unique brands of creativity. Additionally, if it’s known that your work culture embraces diversity, you’ll have a leg up in attracting top talent. 


When your design firm incorporates employees from multiple generations, you’ll find yourself with an invaluable asset. Hiring people who can offer multiple perspectives and skill sets promotes mentorship and ease of adaptability. Generational diversity at your firm can lead to mentorship, better solutions and greater success in all areas of your business. 


Embracing generational diversity creates a positive, inclusive workplace where creativity thrives and talents flourish. Potential employees will appreciate your multi-generational talent pool. Current employees will thrive on the power of varying perspectives and skill sets. 


And your firm will lead the way into a brighter future. La Mesa is living proof that multi-generational hiring works.