Building A Strong Brand Identity Online: Strategies For Success

It’s a jungle out there! By “out there” we mean online, and by “jungle” we mean a messy, cluttered, ever-expanding  universe where everybody wants to stand out and nobody knows what they’re doing!


Well, we know what we’re doing! As a marketing and design firm based in Dubai, La Mesa’s #1 goal is to make your brand shine and stand out and be seen by as many people as possible. 


A strong online brand identity can make or break a company. With it, you can target customer groups directly, reach a wider audience in a shorter amount of time, and improve your customer experience so that clients are more likely to remain engaged and loyal. 


Crafting a compelling brand identity online is about creating a cohesive and memorable experience for your audience. But it’s also not easy, and it’s not the same for every brand. 


So let’s use this blog to delve into effective strategies to help you build a robust brand identity online that resonates with your target audience.

  • The Logo (again)

We’re always talking about logos for a reason: They’re your most defining, recognizable brand characteristic, and the thing that will stick in customers’ minds, until they experience your stellar service. Creating a great logo (one that simply and clearly communicates your mission, defines your brand, and has the visual appeal to attract the eye), will go a long way toward helping your brand stand out. 

  • The Website

A great website is one that is visually appealing, easy to navigate and able to help your brand conduct online business. Customers should be able to easily navigate to your contact information, and all pertinent information about your company without having to jump through hoops. When in doubt, the simpler the better. An uncluttered, well-appointed website will help your brand stand out online. Design and functionality are the building blogs for a great website UX.

  • The Message

Your brand’s message should be consistent across platforms. Your story should be compelling and attract interest. You might not think you have much of a story but, rest assured, you do. Celebrate milestones, your early successes, and even the struggles required to get to where you are now. It’s all part of your message, and your reason for existing. Do you have a social awareness or environmental mission? Flaunt it!

  • The Guidelines

There are presentation guidelines for every brand, and yours should be no different. Do you have certain ways your logo should be displayed? A suggested color scheme? Font? Image requirements? These are all part of your brand guidelines, and are what help you remain consistent across platforms. Consistency is key.

  • The Authentic Social Media Experience

When it comes to a majority of social media, a humanizing element attracts more attention. That’s why even big brands approach apps like Instagram with a sense of fun and humor. Tweets may be written by committee, but they don’t have to sound that way. Engage with your audience authentically, responding to comments and messages promptly. Use social media to showcase your brand’s personality, share valuable content, and interact directly with your followers.

  • The SEO

While a great deal of online brand identity hinges on the creative approach, SEO (search engine optimization) is all technical. Having great content is one thing, but ensuring that great content can be found on Google is something else. Something that requires the right embedded keywords. Finding these keywords can be tricky. A little AI support is a starting point, but you’ll get your best results by consulting with an online marketing firm. 

  • The Content

You create value online through quality content. People will want to search for you if you’re providing material (blogs, posts, shares) that strengthen your brand and knowledge for your target market. In doing so, you’ll become a trusted source of information for your customers – one they’ll want to revisit regularly.


However you and your magical design firm of choice choose to approach your online branding approach, there’s no doubt that you must have one. 


Building a strong brand identity online requires a combination of strategic planning, creative execution, and consistent engagement. By defining your brand’s values, crafting a distinctive visual identity, and authentically engaging with your audience, you can create a compelling online presence that resonates with your target customers and sets you apart in the digital realm. 


The future of commerce is already here, and it’s in the clicks.

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