Surviving the Lull: How Your Business Can Benefit During the Slow Season

The lull comes for us all.


You’ve been riding high on a wave of sustained growth and business opportunity, but now that yearly cooling off period is upon you and you’re not sure what to do with yourself. If your company has been around a few years, you probably know when to expect it. Since we’re a branding and design firm in Dubai, we’re well familiar with the occasional business dropoff. You’re not alone here! 


Every fiscal year has slow points: those times when your agency just isn’t pulling in the business you’re used to. For whatever reason, be it holidays or changing seasons, you just don’t have as much on the docket as you’re used to and maybe it’s making you a little concerned and stir crazy.


Well, first of all, rest easy in the knowledge that business will pick up again.


In the meantime, how can your business benefit from the added free time? How do you use your free time wisely?


Here are some good ideas…


Customer Profiling

We’ve said it before and we’ll surely say it again: Clearly understanding your target market and customer is a huge step in the right direction, and one you should always be taking. Profiling your customers by age range, demographics, income, family, and company will ensure you’re pinpointing their needs with consistent accuracy. 


A keen understanding of your customers means you won’t have to constantly be second guessing your approach to them or their needs. You’ll be able to focus on what’s important to them rather than constantly wondering what’s important to them. 


And once you’ve got that down, now is a great time to focus on…


Increased Marketing

With a lull in your more lucrative business, it’s the right time to get your business seen by as many people as possible. Consider more social media avenues that engage potential clients, as well as targeted advertising that can hone in on customers with precision. 


Consider new approaches to email marketing that make existing clients want to open your newsletters rather than trash them. Tailor your messaging to highlight the benefits of your products or services during the slow season.


As you’re building up your marketing impression, you should also…


Get Ready for Peak

While you’re waiting to catch the next big wave, take advantage of the time between to prepare for it. If you’re well prepared to maximize your revenue and productivity, you won’t have to worry so much about it all turning into a total shitshow when business is booming. The last thing you need during a crunch period is a machine that is slowly grinding to a halt while the gears fall off. 


Make sure your staff is trained up and ready for action, and audit your process to look for pain points and inconsistencies. The slowdown could be the best thing for your business if you’re getting prepared for the crazier time that’s coming. 


In that same mindset, it’s always a good idea to…


Trim the Fat

Are there currently areas where your business is bleeding money with little or no result? Now is the time to nip those trouble spots in the bud, not when you’re too busy to devote time to it. Evaluate your processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes that can reduce costs or enhance productivity. 


We’re not talking about a mass layoff here, simply seizing the opportunity to refocus where needed so your business is more well-prepared for future growth. 


With that in mind…


Train Up

You’ve got a great staff, but there’s no reason you can’t push them to even higher levels of success! During slow periods, investing in training for your employees is a great way to continue your upward momentum. 


Train your employees in other areas adjacent to their specialities to help foster a multi-faceted environment where your people can more ably assist each other during peak times. Having a professional, self-sufficient staff that is both confident and advanced will increase your retention and team spirit. 


They’ll know you care about them and be more inspired to give you their best work. 


Slow season is a great time to see what works and what doesn’t because you’ll actually have the opportunity to adjust accordingly! So don’t simply cross your arms, shake your head and worry. Seize this moment to optimize your business model, focus on pulling in new clients and prepare for when your business will pick up again.


Because it will. 


Don’t worry!

Nostalgia Marketing: Engaging Memories for Brand Success

Throwback Thursday is still a thing for a reason!


Remembering something from your past, the sounds, colors and smells, is never not going to be enticing. Nostalgia calls you back to the simpler times that live in your memories and makes you long for the past. The scratch of an old record, the taste of a Ring Pop, the sound of dial-up internet, the Ducktales theme song. As an adult, one little hint of your past can send you sailing back to those idyllic days of youth, when your worries were few and the days of fun and play went on and on. 


The raw, emotional potency of nostalgia makes it one of the strongest marketing tools around.


Hell, nostalgia is why Buzzfeed got so popular while also quizzing you on just how goddamn old you are! (The 80’s weren’t that long ago, were they?)


Nostalgia marketing is powerful, irresistible, and an approach that the best of design agencies take full advantage of any chance they get. By triggering fond memories and emotions from the past, brands can create deeper connections with their target audience, leading to increased engagement, brand loyalty, and ultimately, business success. People are always in search of a momentary escape, especially as we exit the tail end of a global pandemic, and a simpler time and place is often just the mental journey they’re looking for.


So let’s talk about how nostalgia marketing can turn their past into your future…


Branding Nostalgia

There is a very good reason some of your favorite brands haven’t changed their logo in, like, ever, or are returning to one from thirty years ago. Harkening back to simpler times, and sparking the consumer’s memory, can make a familiar brand feel like home to them. Choosing to engage in the retro, rather than the new and trending, has an emotional effect that’s almost impossible to ignore. When a brand throws back, be it through fonts, colors or vintage aesthetics, they become a magnet for customers who desire the familiar.


And let’s talk for a moment about memory. The human mind is perhaps the greatest wonder of evolution, but it’s not yet perfect. Your mind may choose to discard the listless boredom of childhood, or any hardships you may have faced, and paint a majority of your young experiences as positive.


 This is called adaptive forgetting. It’s why we always think it’d be a good idea to get back with that one terrible ex. Our minds actively turn bad memories from childhood to good, and studies have shown that this happens because our past informs our present. A great deal of who we are, and how we define ourselves, comes from memory.


So, really, our faulty computer is looking out for us after all! Invented optimism for the win!


Okay, digression over…


Trending Nostalgia

Calling back memories of old marketing trends is a great way to spark the nostalgic pull. For an example of this, look no further than Kodak. With the rapid advent of digital photography, traditional film cameras barely even had time to stand at the door and wave. But, in recent years, those fun disposable cameras you remember, the ones where every photo was kind of a surprise (why is my head missing?), have made an even more surprising comeback. What’s more, the instant camera has also returned in all its fun, blurry glory. The old becomes new again, thanks to strategic market research and a partnership with Forever 21.


Audience Nostalgia

If you’re going to plan a marketing campaign that hinges on the memories of your audience, you must first understand them, especially their age range. Additionally, account for their geographic location to key in to their specific nostalgia. A potential audience in Dubai will likely not have the same shared childhood memories as one in Los Angeles. What are your intended audience’s interests and hobbies? Does your product focus on the tech sector? Sports fans? Librarians with thick reading glasses? Get a handle on your people and then point the nostalgia right at them!


Company Nostalgia

This one is specific to companies that have been around for a while. All others may skip (for now.)


Your company may have a wealth of history that people may remember fondly, whether you agree with them or not, so why not capitalize on it? Reminding customers that you’ve been around awhile can go a long way toward turning their fond memories into future partnerships. You don’t have to live in the past, but it doesn’t hurt to look toward it from time to time. Pairing nostalgia with innovation


Involved Nostalgia

Pose questions on social media and in advertising that engage your customer nostalgia. Ask pointed questions related to your business and encourage them to recall nostalgic memories and experience related to your brand or niche. By actively engaging with your customers through nostalgia, your success can be twofold: You’re embracing their fond memories, while also giving them a taste of your humanity, something that companies can forget to do.


Ultimately, the decision to pursue nostalgia marketing will come down to whether or not you want to evoke positive feelings from your customers through memory. If you’re coming up on an anniversary or are seeking to rebrand, then nostalgia might be just the key to success you’ve been waiting for. 


By tapping into sentimentality and leveraging shared memories and experiences, brands can create a sense of familiarity, trust, and engagement. 


Home Workspaces: Your Clutter And You (A Love Story?)

Are you sitting comfortably in your ergonomic chair, fingers gliding over the keys of your form-fitted, LED lit keyboard? 


Are you standing at your desk, a cup of steaming black coffee in hand, pondering life’s intricacies as you scroll through the day’s tasks? 


Or are you pondering on the sofa, one leg flung over the top, papers strewn about the floor, wondering how, at 8AM, you got soup on your shirt? 


La Mesa is a design firm based in Dubai, but we’re also 100% remote and we’d like to welcome you to the growing home office family! Wherever you may find yourself, you’re a thriving member of a rapidly increasing global workforce that works remotely! 


And we’d like to know what makes you thrive?


The perfect home working conditions aren’t necessarily something you may think about too often, for any number of reasons. However, a wizened sage named Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” And why shouldn’t that pertain to your home office? Stop and look around the room where you spend most of your days. What makes it successful? What doesn’t? How can your surroundings benefit you?


People still refer to the art of feng shui with an almost religious reverence when organizing a space. The flow! The balance! The mismatched floor tiles!! And, while you don’t have to get that involved, at the very least, why not think about how you can turn your workspace into a proper extension of the facets of your personality that are most stimulated when you’ve gotta buckle down and get to work? 


That could mean any number of things, depending on how you work. 


Some of us absolutely need cleanliness and meticulously maintained order to feel fully focused in our work, while others may feel more comfortable surrounded by inspired clutter


That’s right, we said it! Some people thrive on “inspired clutter,” and you might secretly be one of them (gasp!)  


By “clutter,” we’re not talking about dirty socks on the floor and the cat’s litter box crumbs everywhere. Inspired clutter means surrounding oneself with things that motivate the mind to move in directions it wouldn’t if were your office more rigidly ordered.

Something like this! Homey, no?


Additionally, this cluttered workspace might be even more helpful to those in a creative-adjacent field, like graphic design and branding!  Colorful art books on nearby shelves, paintings and prints hung everywhere, and a general sense of readily available inspiration for the taking, all serving as constant reminders to not take time, or yourself, for granted.


Clutter can mean care. 


Again, that’s not to say a well-manicured home office isn’t something to be enjoyed and savored. Heavens no! Many more of us thrive on structure, even that of our own making. We require a little starching and pressing if we are to successfully engage with work at home. For some, the potential for distraction is a slippery slope that can lead to wandering off, shirking work and ignoring responsibility.


All we’re saying is consider the clutter. 


Moreover, for those who thrive on color and busyness, the “maximalists” among you, there is nothing better than more of everything. For you, Oscar Wilde said it best: “Nothing succeeds like excess.” Surrounding yourself with positive objects of interest is similar to eating a bowlful of grapes. You could stop, but they’re delicious and good for you, so why not have one, two or ten more?


How is your home office laid out? Have you had time to make it your own? Are you thriving?


Since work is where most of us spend a majority of our days, why not make sure your workspace is a reflection of yourself? Why not be comfortable and inspired? You don’t have to go big all at once. You can take all the time you need. 


That’s the beauty of the home office, and remote work! 

Designing for Mobile Users


Designing for Mobile Users. Mobile devices have become an indispensable multi-purpose device with their tendrils stretching into almost all areas of life. However, with the majority of website visits coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your website for smaller screens and touch interactions. Designing for mobile platforms requires careful consideration of unique characteristics and constraints. Moreover, in the UAE alone, there were more than 19 million mobile connections in early 2023. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to ensure your website is mobile-ready. In this article, we’ll explore strategies to help you create a seamless user experience on mobile.

1. Understand Your Users:
To create a website that is tailored to your users’ needs, you must first understand their interests, demographics, and contextual considerations. Consequently, creating personas for your target audience is essential to achieving this goal. By understanding your users, you can define your contextual considerations: the time and place your visitors usually stop by.

2. Responsive Design:
Your interface should respond to different screen sizes and interact well with touch and mobile navigation. Furthermore, your content should be flexible for smaller screens and optimized for differing dimensions. By doing this, you can ensure that your website is aesthetically appealing and equally as functional on mobile devices as it is on a desktop. Responsive design is key to creating a seamless user experience on mobile.

3. Streamlined Navigation:
Simplifying your website’s information and making it easy to navigate is essential to creating a seamless user experience on mobile. You can take advantage of touch features like “touch and hold” and “swipe and slide” to create an intuitive user experience. In addition, utilizing touch features effectively is key to creating streamlined navigation.

4. Optimized Performance and Loading Times:
In the era of high-speed internet, attention spans are becoming more limited, and therefore, your mobile site needs to be just as nimble. Prioritizing content loading to provide users with a fast initial experience while the rest of the page loads is crucial. Furthermore, optimizing your mobile bandwidth can be done in a variety of ways, from prioritizing content loading to caching, that strengthen initial impressions and navigation throughout. Optimized performance and loading times are essential to creating a seamless user experience on mobile.

5. Create A Visual Hierarchy:
Presenting information in bite-size chunks and increasing readability with font size and contrast is essential to creating a seamless user experience on mobile. Your mobile website should clearly indicate the most important areas you want your users to notice. Creating a visual hierarchy is key to presenting information effectively on mobile.

6. Get It Tested:
Conducting usability tests on actual mobile devices is essential to refining your mobile interface. A fresh set of eyes can identify pain points and areas for improvement that you may have missed. Getting your mobile website tested is key to ensuring a seamless user experience.

Designing for mobile devices requires prioritizing your website’s content, navigation, and interactivity. By paring your website down to its barest essentials, you can ensure that your message remains clear. A great design firm can help you every step of the way to ensure your mobile website is still you, just with much of the fat trimmed. In conclusion, by following the strategies outlined in this article, you can create a seamless user experience on mobile that will engage and delight your users.

How to make your article stand out online

Have you ever written a fantastic article for your company that nobody noticed? Unfortunately, quality content often gets lost in the vastness of the modern web. As a design agency in Dubai, we prioritize getting quality information to the maximum audience possible. In this article, we’ll provide you with tips on how to make your article stand out.

Section 1: Play the Headline Game
1.1 Create an Engaging Headline
To captivate your readers’ attention, create an engaging headline that summarizes your article and entices them to read on. Firstly, use strong action words that evoke an emotional response. Secondly, leave your readers wanting more. Thirdly, a great headline is the hook that captures your readers’ attention and makes them want to read more. Additionally, ensure that your headline is relevant to your article content.

1.2 Use Subheadings to Organize Your Content
Use subheadings to break up your content into manageable chunks. Firstly, this not only makes your article easier to read but also helps your readers find the information they’re looking for quickly. Secondly, make sure your subheadings are relevant and informative. Thirdly, use them consistently throughout your article.

Section 2: Get Social
2.1 Share Your Content on Relevant Social Media Platforms
Share your content on social media platforms that suit your target audience. Firstly, compose a linked post on LinkedIn or a trendy reel on Instagram. Secondly, use hashtags to increase your content’s visibility. Thirdly, social media is an excellent tool for sharing your content and reaching a broader audience. Moreover, you can use social media analytics to understand your audience and tailor your content accordingly.

2.2 Engage with Your Audience
Engage with your audience on social media by responding to comments and messages. Firstly, this not only shows your readers that you value their feedback but also helps to build a relationship with them. Secondly, ask your followers for their opinions on your content or industry-related topics to encourage discussion.

Section 3: Optimize Your Content for Search Engines
3.1 Use Popular Keywords and Meta Content
Attract readers by optimizing your content for search engines. Firstly, use popular keywords and meta content to target your audience. Secondly, consider seeking help from a great content strategy agency or using resources like SEMrush and GoogleKeywordPlanner. Thirdly, optimizing your content for search engines is vital for attracting readers and increasing your article’s visibility. Furthermore, ensure that your content is relevant to your targeted audience.

3.2 Use Internal and External Links
Include internal and external links in your content to provide your readers with additional information and context. Firstly, internal links help to keep readers on your website for longer. Secondly, external links show that you’ve done your research and provide value to your readers.

Section 4: Collaborate with Influencers
4.1 Find and Collaborate with Relevant Influencers
Influencers can help get your article seen by their built-in audience. Firstly, collaborate with influencers in your niche to expand your readership. Secondly, influencers are always on top of social media marketing trends and have the ability to reach a large audience, making them an excellent option for getting your name out there. Additionally, ensure that the influencer you collaborate with aligns with your brand values.

4.2 Provide Value to Influencers
Provide value to influencers by offering them something in return for sharing your content. Firstly, this could be in the form of a discount code, free product, or exposure to your own audience. Secondly, by providing value to influencers, you’ll increase the likelihood that they’ll share your content with their followers.

Section 5: Inspire the Community
5.1 Engage Your Readers with Interactive Content
Engage your readers by posing active, thoughtful questions and including interactive content like polls and surveys. Firstly, interactive content is inclusive and engaging. Secondly, it has the power to take your article to the next level. Thirdly, by inspiring your community, you can get your readers actively involved in your work and expand your readership. Moreover, ensure that your interactive content is relevant to your article content.

5.2 Share User-Generated Content
Share user-generated content on your social media platforms to show your readers that you value their opinions and contributions. Firstly, this not only encourages engagement but also helps to build a sense of community around your brand.

Getting your article published is easy, but getting it read is the hard part. These tips can help increase your article’s visibility and attract more readers. Firstly, remember that a strategic approach is essential to stand out in the sea of content available online. Secondly, by playing the headline game, getting social, optimizing your content for search engines, collaborating with influencers, and inspiring your community, you can make your article stand out in the modern web. Make your article stand out. Happy writing!

Revitalizing Your Brand: How to Know When It’s Time to Rebrand and Reignite Your Success


In this article, we’ll explore the process of rebranding in Dubai and discuss when it’s time to consider a rebrand. Specifically, we’ll focus on the benefits of rebranding and how it can impact your business success in the Dubai market.
Rebranding is a crucial step for any business looking to increase its longevity and success in the market. With the help of a top branding and design agency in Dubai, like Gulf News Business, you can research trends, understand your current brand and future goals, and identify pain points in your branding architecture. By making necessary adjustments to your logos, typography, style, taglines, and messaging, you can improve your online identity and stand out in the crowded market.

The Importance of Rebranding
Moreover, rebranding is a complex process that involves many factors, including marketing, social media, and online identity. By staying aware of the current strengths and weaknesses of your brand and recognizing when it’s time to rebrand, you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.

Factors to Consider When Contemplating a Rebrand
Here are some factors to consider when contemplating a rebrand:

– You’re blending in with your competition.
– You’ve changed.
– You’ve got to stay cool.
– You’re conflicting.
– You’re growing!
– You’ve been acquired or you’re merging.

The Role of a Professional Branding and Design Firm
As your brand grows, it’s important to find the right agency to guide you through the necessary changes. A professional branding and design firm, like Arabian Business, can spot the necessary branding architectural evolutions and help you leave in a much better position than when you started.

The Benefits of Rebranding
Rebranding takes effort, but the rewards are there for the taking. By staying aware of the current state of your brand and recognizing when it’s time to rebrand, you can improve your marketing efforts, increase your social media engagement, and reignite your success in the market.

Our Perspective on Unusual Client Questions

As a design firm specializing in branding, you must answer client questions, even if they’re unusual. Client questions ensure that both parties agree on the end goal and that the finished product satisfies their needs. As an online design and marketing firm based in Dubai, you’ll receive tough questions, so prepare to answer them. To provide positive action to strange feedback, follow up and prompt to get to the answers your clients are looking for. Take odd client questions seriously, even if you don’t understand them at first. Here are few common questions you might encounter, how to answer them, and what they mean:

– “Can we make the logo bigger?” Reserve your judgment and provide alternatives. Gently point clients toward helpful resources so that they can get the answers they desire free of embarrassment.
– “I want to add my favorite color.” Get as many questions answered as possible from the outset. Begin and end on the same page to avoid unrealistic expectations and make sure expected results for deliverables are reasonable.
– “Can I have this in 48 hours?” Present clients with the clearest possible timeline of events and when to expect deliverables to avoid unrealistic expectations. Avoid industry jargon when describing the timeline.
– “Can you make the logo pop more?” Decidedly vague questions can be gently coaxed into clearer intentions if you approach them respectfully.
– “Can you provide free services? I’m on a tight budget.” Offering a tiered approach might just be the answer they’re looking for. Be very clear about what they’ll receive should they choose one of your lesser options.

Approach unusual client questions and requests with professionalism and open-mindedness, understanding that it’s all part of the job. Educate your clients while you work your magic. Even difficult clients can get better.

Ready To Make Your Passions Your Business? (with the help of your favorite design firm, of course)

You’re sick of feeling like you’re squandering your gifts.
You’re tired of making somebody else their money.
And you know you’ve got talent and a true passion and a dream.

You might even feel like your whole life has led you to this point, and it’s time to really go for something. You’ve had an amazing idea knocking around in your brain for years now. You’re finally ready to turn one of your life’s passions into a thriving business.

You’re probably feeling excitement (we’re excited for you too!) and a good deal of apprehension. Where do you begin? How do you create a business from the ground up and find success?

Well, because La Mesa just so happens to be a creative online branding agency in Dubai, we’ve got some insights for you beginning with this:

You don’t have to do it alone!

Read on for our breakdown of how to turn your passion into your business.

To fully understand your business goals, first you’ve gotta understand where your passions can lead you. What drives you? What brings you joy? What could you do every single day and never get tired of? You probably already know the answers to these questions, but it’s important to have them written down in front of you. This clear view of your passions is the foundation upon which you’ll be building your business. It’s also a helpful reminder of why you got involved in your business in the first place.

Armed with this clarity of vision, it’s now time to document what it means and what it can do. Note: Working closely with a design firm at this point will help you really hammer out your goals for the future, and help you create a business plan you can rely on. Describe your business goals, target market and the unique value you offer. What sets you apart? What service or product can you provide that nobody else can?

To fully understand your market, your potential clients and the correct first paths to take, it’s best to have a well-researched plan of action. A great marketing and design firm can be instrumental in assisting you with best understanding your target market, their needs and how to tailor your products to exceed their expectations. Through extensive research, you’ll also gain a deeper understanding of your competition, and then be able to leave an impression that sets you apart.

If it hasn’t felt real by this point, it will now! Creating your brand identity is where you’ll truly begin to define yourself visually. This stage is especially helpful if you’re setting up your business in a location with an already crowded market, like Dubai. The benefits of such a populous location and market are many, but so is the danger of getting lost in the shuffle if your brand isn’t instantly noticeable. Building a compelling, eye-catching brand identity is of utmost importance, and a great branding agency will make sure your business gets seen by the right people at the right time every time.

you want to get yourself out there quickly and effectively. Once your brand identity is clarified, you’ll want to clearly define your approach to marketing your brand. You’ll want to identify the best marketing tactics to hone in on your target audience and grab their attention. Social media marketing, content creation, email marketing, SEO optimization and advertising are all areas of focus at this point in your journey. Again, if this seems daunting, remember you’re not alone and there are knowledgeable people out there who want to help you succeed.

In a market moving as fast as yours, a professional website is absolutely essential. Luckily for you, a simple and streamlined website is preferred and even trendy, but remember that your website must also be easy to navigate and logically laid out. It must align with your brand identity while also quickly and effectively communicating your products and services. Ensure that your website is optimized for search engines, and accessible across platforms and devices.

From social media posts pointed right at your target audience to blogs that are informative and entertaining, there are a lot of directions you can take your promotional content. Just make sure it’s consistently showcasing your area of expertise and speaking directly to your clients and potentials. Valuable content will help you become a trusted source in your field and build your reputation. While tools like AI programs can streamline your writing process, it is always best to have a content writer at the center of your operation to craft your personalized, human touch.

Finally, exceptional client experiences are half your business. They’re something your clients will want to tell their friends about and, in doing so, build your reputation and bring in more business. You may offer a great product or service, but if your attention to client satisfaction is lacking, unfortunately, potential customers just won’t want it. At the end of the day, you want all of your customers to walk away happy and come back for more. You’re not just building a business, you’re building an experience!

Ultimately, passion is the seed that grows into a thriving business, but it must be tended to, watered, fertilized and nurtured. On this journey, if you’re open to change, and have your eyes on long-term goals, there’s no telling how far you’ll go.

But it’ll require a lot of research, knowledge and determination. Starting a business is not for the faint of heart. But, if you’re ready to take the plunge and watch your passions grow into a successful operation, if you’ve been sitting on a dream and wondering if it’ll ever come true, think of this as your push to see what you’re capable of.

We can’t wait to see what you’ve got!

The Rise of Logo Simplification: Creative Spark or Regression?

The world of design never stops spinning. Last year’s shiny new trends become this year’s old news in a blink. Truthfully, it’s damn near impossible to stay on top of it all without the help of your favorite online creative branding agency in Dubai.

One particular recent design trend has sparked both excitement and debate: logo simplification. Companies are ditching their previously elaborate, intricate emblems for designs that are increasingly minimalistic and streamlined. It’s happening across industries and, like any design evolution, it’s got its advocates and detractors. Some will say that logo simplification increases brand recognition and loyalty, while others will say it can be perceived as lazy and lacking that certain creative spark evident in brands of old.

No matter your opinion on logo simplification, there’s no denying the fact that it’s everywhere! So let’s talk about it and find out if logo simplification is worth your time and money.

  1. Simple Truths
  2. Brands need to be memorable from the start, so it’s no wonder that simplification has become as popular as it has. Increased memorability helps viewers remember what they’ve seen, and make instant brand associations. However, oversimplification risks the opposite reaction: simply being too plain to make much of an impression on consumers.

  3. Everything Everywhere
  4. The simplified logo is more adaptable across platforms and media and, honestly, in an era of digital devices and ever-shrinking screen sizes, an intricate logo simply won’t be able to communicate as well. When scaled down, your logo should retain its clarity and legibility even at thumbnail size. Consistent branding across mediums often means simplification, quite literally plain and simple.

  5. Keeping Trendy
  6. Simplifying your logo may also be a response to evolving trends in branding. Audience tastes shift with time, and younger audiences gravitate toward minimalism. After all, our aesthetic tastes are influenced by our surroundings, and we spend more and more time online and with our smartphones. The slow, steady rise of minimalist design reflects a cultural shift toward visuals that reflect clarity, simplicity and modernity. Of course, the pendulum is ever-swinging and we’ll likely be back to favoring detailed, ornate branding in short order. For right now, simple is where it’s at.

  7. Forward or Backward?
  8. Logo simplification has, of course, received pushback from some critics and designers, and certainly not without reason. Simplification can be seen as a form of brand regression that denies the forward progression of technological and design progress. However, the essential goal of a logo is to ably convey a brand’s values, establish recognition and create an emotional connection with consumers. In this way, simplifying your logo shouldn’t represent a loss of that creative spark. Rather, this simplification should be seen as an example of your adaptability to a changing visual landscape, as well as your ability to connect with the widest possible audience.

As the trend of logo simplification has taken hold of the global market, many well-known brands have hopped on the bandwagon. Needless to say, some rebranding efforts have been better than others, but it’s certainly been fascinating to witness, especially when you understand the motivation behind the change.

Here are some examples…

In 2016, Mastercard unveiled their first logo change in twenty years. At this point in their history, the company had one of the more recognizable in the world, thus a cleaner look free of anything potentially seen as unnecessary was kind of a no-brainer. And, in our era of tiny screens, the new logo was readable at any dimension.

Spotify, still the #1 music streaming service globally, has evolved their logo considerably since their inception. From a more immediate shade of green, to a more easily recognizable icon, the brand has changed to fit the times.

By now you may be sensing a theme at work here. Each of the above logos have navigated toward simple, readable designs that can be presented without words and still be understandable. YouTube is no exception. Chances are, you have one or all of these brands on your phone right now, and you can recognize each one of them without batting an eye.

That is the ultimate goal of logo simplification.

As brands aim for adaptability, versatility and memorable designs, simplification has emerged as a powerful tool. Certainly it can be argued that logos are losing their spark, but the truth is… well, simpler. Brands are evolving to capture the attention and loyalty of an ever-growing consumer base. For many, the best way to accomplish this is to edit, simplify and break their logos down to the barest essentials. Simplicity is an art.

Stand Out In The UAE Marketplace: The Importance of Professional Branding For Your Business

As an online creative branding agency in the UAE, La Mesa is all about the powerful nature of branding, and why it’s absolutely crucial to work hand-in-hand with a professional branding company in Dubai. Your image is not to be taken lightly. Your brand is your introduction to potential customers, and what keeps them coming back once you’ve wowed them with your abilities and product.

So let’s talk about the importance of branding for your business.

Your branding represents the personality and image of your business. It can set you apart from competitors, makes you unique and memorable to your customers and keeps them coming back for more. A strong brand can help you establish a loyal customer base, increase your market share, and ultimately, drive more sales and revenue. This goes far deeper than a cool logo and a catchy tagline.

TL;DR: Your branding choices are really, really important!

A great branding agency in the UAE will help you create and define your brand strategy and define and refine your brand identity. They work with you to create a brand strategy that aligns with your business goals and values, and resonates with your target audience. Your brand has a voice that must be defined, and guidelines that should be created and followed to create a sense of consistency.

As an online branding agency in Dubai, UAE, we see the importance of having a strong digital presence in today’s world. Our increasingly globalized society is connected by ones and zeroes, and our presence there should be unparalleled. And it requires a great deal of knowledge and research. At La Mesa, we have a unique perspective on branding in the UAE, and what works and what doesn’t for the region. You have to stand out in an increasingly crowded marketplace while also resonating with your target audience.

But why work with branding companies in the UAE instead of going it alone? The truth is, creating a strong brand is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of marketing, design and psychology. When you partner with a professional branding agency in Dubai, you benefit from their expertise and experience, potentially avoiding costly mistakes that could harm your brand in the long run.

And, by choosing a local branding agency, your regional needs will be met by a company that keenly understands the marketplace, and what is required to succeed.

Branding is of crucial need for any business, and it’s important to work with a trusted creative branding agency in Dubai to ensure your brand is consistent, compelling, memorable and regionally sound. A strong brand and solid brand guidelines will bring you to a larger audience, set you apart from the competition and help you confidently stand on your feet and loudly proclaim, “I am here!”