10 Ways To Attract Wealthy Clients (Part 1)

You’re a great design firm. You know it. Your clients know it and love you. You also know you consistently produce amazing results. And you know you’re right on the edge of something big. 


Feels like you’re standing halfway up the mountain of success, and all you need is that one big push. That one big client with the power to give you wings and see you soar. 


You’re ready for wealthy clients, but how do you show them you’re ready? How do you attract them and impress the hell out of them?


A wealthy client usually falls in that sweet spot area with assets between $1 million and $5 million. They’re often older and set in their ways, resistant to change. If it’s worked for 30 years, why should they change it now? It’s going to take some work to convince them you’re the one they’re looking for.

Well, being the great design firm you are, it’s your job to show them why they need you. And you should. 


And you can!


Here are 5 Ways you can attract wealthy clients to your brand and business, impress them, and keep them happy.


  • Great reputation

Wealthy clients want to work with a firm that’s got a proven track record of success. They want to work with design firms that meet or exceed all deliverable deadlines. You want to build a reputation for being an agency that exceeds expectations every time. And, if you’re that good, make sure your clients are talking about you. Good word of mouth is a strong push up that mountain. 

  • Knockout service

You can’t go above and beyond for your clients without giving them everything they ask for and more. And wealthy clients expect more, because they’re paying more. They know their worth. If they’re paying top dollar, then top dollar service is what they expect in return. Make sure your team is knowledgeable, on the same page and readily available to knock your rich client’s socks off, both individually and as a group. Wealthy clients expect high quality service just as much as they expect a stellar end result to their investment.

  • Strength online

Are you more than searchable? Is your website sleek, easy to navigate and optimized for search engines? If not, get on it! The bigger and more attractive your online presence, the better your ability to snag bigger and more attractive clients. And don’t ignore social media. Humble brag on your work, engage with followers, build relationships with prospective clients, and don’t ignore the hashtags and SEO keywords in your content! 

  • Grow your network

Feeling talkative? Networking events get you in front of potential clients, and in a position to build relationships that can turn into business opportunities. Industry events, trade shows and conferences and showcase yourself. Go there ready to talk about your design firm and have examples of your work ready to present. Networking events are a great way to put a face and name to your business.

  • Flex your niche 

Specialization isn’t for everyone, but it could work for you. Focus on excelling in specific areas and become the go-to firm for what you do. If you choose to specialize in a specific area of your industry, such as UI and Interactive or Package Design, you’re speaking to your area of expertise and letting potential clients know they should come to you for their needs in your field. Wealthy clients have the freedom to pay for specific services. If you’re a leader in the area of their need, they will want to come to you.


Growing your business and getting wealthy clients doesn’t have to be daunting, takes work. However, the rewards can be astronomical for your business and cash flow.


Check back Wednesday for part 2 and the final 5 ways to get and keep big clients! 


One of them is pretty surprising (and surprisingly effective!)

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